Chief Instructor
Renshi Wayne Beaton, Renshi, Rokudan Seventh Degree Black Belt - Shishidan (EMAC), started his martial arts career originally studying Wado Ryu (now Wado Kai) with Shihan Greg Reid in Victoria, British Columbia in 1982. Wayne moved to Ottawa in 1986 where he studied under Sensei Claude Villeneuve and Sensei Raymond Deschamps, before connecting with Sensei Albert Ethier and the Rideau Osgoode Karate Club where he learned and trained for more than two decades before renaming the club to Rideau Osgoode Martial Arts and taking over the role of chief instructor.
Wayne has studied Wado Ryu Karate, Shotokan Karate, Chito Ryu Karate, but has focused on Jundokan Goju Ryu Karate. He holds the following ranks/qualifications:
- Seventh Degree Shishidan with the Eastern Martial Arts Coalition (EMAC);
- Sixth Degree Rokudan Renshi with the Black Belt Institute;
- Third Degree Sandan in Okinawa Kobudo Doushi Rensei-kai® (OKDR); and
- First Degree Shodan in Jiujitsu.
Wayne has been a direct student of Sensei Albert Either, Kyoshi Mike Sywyk, and Shihan Dan Bailey since 1991. Wayne has trained and studied with Sensei Masami Tsuruoka, Sensei Ron Yamanaka, Sensei Tetsunosuke Yasuda, Professor Georges Sylvain, Hanshi Tsuneo Kinjo, Hanshi Tetsu Gima, Sensei Masaji Taira, Hanshi Mike Mancuso, Sensei Jean Frenette, Shihan Jack Donovan, Kyoshi Laura Sywyk, Hanshi Neil Stolsmark, Hanshi Alain Sailly, and many others.
Wayne believes that the Dojo should be place of serious learning and training, but should also be fun, friendly, and inviting.
Senior Black Belt
- Shihan Dan Baily, Seventh Degree - Shichidan with the Eastern Martial Arts Coalition (EMAC)
Assistant Chief Instructors
- Sensei Lou Kabesh, Fifth Degree - Godan
- Sensei Christine Stigter, Fourth Degree - Yondan
Karate Head Instructor
- Sensei Ken Parry, Fifth Degree - Godan
Karate Instructors
- Sensei Wayne Beaton, Seventh Degree - Shishidan (EMAC)
- Sensei Dan Bailey, Seventh Degree - Shishidan (EMAC)
- Sensei Lou Kabesh, Fifth Degree - Godan (EMAC)
- Sensei Cynthia Kitson, Fifth Degree - Godan
- Sensei Pierre Patenaude, Fourth Degree - Yondan
- Sensei Stephen McClellan, Forth Degree - Yondan (EMAC)
- Sensei Christine Stigter, Forth Degree - Yondan (EMAC)
- Sensei Katie Stigter, Forth Degree - Yondan (EMAC)
- Sensei Jamie Munro, Third Degree - Sandan
- Sensei Trevor Connolly, Third Degree - Sandan (EMAC)
- Sensei Brandon Barnard, Second Degree - Nidan (EMAC)
- Sensei Nick Cristello, First Degree - Shodan
Karate Assistant Instructors
- Sensei Lesley, Third Degree - Sandan
- Sensei Farrah Munro, Second Degree - Nidan
- Sensei Ava Munro, First Degree - Shodan
- Sensei Mark Pearson First Degree - Shodan
- Sensei Arya, First Degree - Shodan
- Sensei Ella, First Degree - Shodan
- Sensei Cort, First Degree - Shodan
- Sensei Dominic, First Degree - Shodan
- Sensei Stephen Tolnai, First Degree - Shodan
Kobudo Instructors
Kobudo Head Instructor
- Sensei Stephen McClellan, Fourth Degree - Yondan (OKDR)
Kobudo Instructors
- Sensei Cynthia Kitson, Fourth Degree - Yondan (OKDR)
- Sensei Ken Parry, Fourth Degree - Yondan (OKDR)
- Sensei Christine Stigter, Third Degree - Sandan (OKDR)
- Sensei Katie Stigter, Third Degree - Sandan (OKDR)
- Sensei Wayne Beaton, Third Degree - Sandan (OKDR)
- Sensei Brandon Barnard, First Degree - Shodan (OKDR)
Jiujitsu Heads Instructor
- Sensei Gary Bazil, Fifth Degree - Godan
Jiujitsu Instructors
- Sensei Lou Kabesh, Fourth Degree - Yondan
- Sensei Rick Schwartzburg, Fourth Degree - Yondan
Grading Board
- Shihan Wayne Beaton
- Shihan Dan Baily
- Sensei Lou Kabesh
- Sensei Christine Stigter
- Sensei Ken Parry
- Sensei Stephen McClellen
- Sensei Gary Bazil
- Sensei Cythia Kitson
- Sensei Pierre Patenaude
Instructors Emeritus
- Sensei Albert Ethier
- Sensei Tom Dawson